In 2018, the Diocese of Ft Worth established the Guardian Ministry as a parish-based safety and security ministry to address the increasing rise in unprovoked violence against houses of worship in our society. The multi-layered approach of the Guardian Ministry allows it to serve each parish to respond effectively to different types of emergencies and support and work alongside first responders.
The PRIMARY GOAL is to have a community-led safety and security volunteer ministry that provides parishes with a peaceful and safe place to worship. Most Guardian ministers are NOT armed. Rather they are hospitable and welcome people to our Church. Hospitality Ministry is transforming into Guardian Ministry.
Training will be provided for all Guardian Ministry opportunities
Greeters – Open doors as parishioners (your friends) come to Mass. TIME COMMITMENT: 15 minutes before and after mass. Interested - Apply Here Ushers – Help mass attendees find seating, collect the offertory, and assist during the Communion Rite ensuring an orderly flow of people up the Communion aisles. Interested - Apply Here TIME COMMITMENT: 15 minutes before Mass, during, and a few minutes after Mass. Medical – Well-trained individuals who can render immediate assistance before first responders arrive. TIME COMMITMENT: 15 minutes before Mass, during, and a few minutes after Mass. Have medical experience and want to serve as a Guardian Minister? Please complete the application HERE
Want to become an ARMED member of Guardian Minister? Please complete the application HERE
Need more information or want to chat with someone from Guardian Ministry?
All liturgical ministers must participate in initial and refresher instruction and be Catholics in good standing. Readers – Proclaim the Word at liturgical celebrations TIME COMMITMENT: Ample preparation before and participation during Mass. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Assist with the distribution of the Eucharist during Mass. TIME COMMITMENT: Ample preparation before and participation during Mass. Altar Servers – Assist the priest, and deacon, at liturgical celebrations. Adults interested in serving as well as youth, fourth grade and older. TIME COMMITMENT: 15 minutes before, during, and after Mass. Sacristans – Prepare all the vessels, linens, books, and associated items necessary for the liturgical celebration. TIME COMMITMENT: 25 minutes before, during, and 15 minutes after Mass. Vocalists – Individuals are always welcome to join our many choirs. The 10:30 choir leads the people in traditional hymns, accompanied by the organ. The 5:00 pm choir leads music accompanied by the piano. TIME COMMITMENT: Personal rehearsal time, group rehearsal weekly, 25 minutes before Mass Musicians – If you have demonstrated skill with a musical instrument (woodwind, brass, stringed) we would love foy you to join us at the 5:00 pm Mass we make joyful music to the Lord. TIME COMMITMENT: Personal rehearsal time, group rehearsal weekly, 25 minutes before Mass Baptism Set-up Team – Be part of a team that sets up for the community Baptism’s that occur on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at 2pm. Set up takes about 15 minutes and cleanup takes about 15 minutes. TIME COMMITMENT: Average one hour one Sunday a month (50 to 90 minutes). Wedding Set-up Team – Help prepare the church and the wedding party for a joyous and reverent celebration of the Matrimonial vows. TIME COMMITMENT: Average 75 minutes for the rehearsal, 90 minutes for the wedding.
Mentor – help those wishing to become Roman Catholic – Work one-on-one with someone who has expressed an interest in becoming a Catholic at our Parish. Be a guide to the faith, share your knowledge of the sacraments, prayer, devotions, and how to live like a Catholic. Think of it as providing on-the-job training! TIME COMMITMENT: Varies – with some contact weekly (phone call, visit, coffee break)
Catechist – Spending time sharing your faith with children is a wonderful gift we can share. The meaning of catechist – one who echoes the faith. Your witness to the faith is enough! TIME COMMITMENT: Varies if it is an academic program or sacramental preparation
We are creating a team of folks that can reach out to new parishioners, follow up with them for a few months, ensuring they are acclimated to the Parish, are in the know and begin to participate in Parish life. Welcomer – Contact recently registered individuals or families to the Parish. You will be their guide for the first 90 days after they register at the Parish. Help them learn their way around, celebrate Eucharist with them, share what you know about the Parish and our faith community. TIME COMMITMENT: Up to you Welcome Desk-Volunteer at the welcome desk and help to answer questions, fill out new parishioner registration forms, show people around and more. TIME COMMITMENT: Sundays from 8:30 to 12:30
Baptism – Help facilitate OR assist at 90-minute session for parents and godparents to be properly prepared (disposed) before bringing a child to the Sacrament of Baptism. Baptism preparation is offered every other month. Collect paperwork and pass out materials. TIME COMMITMENT: 2 hours every other month Reconciliation/Penance – Work with second graders as they prepare to receive this sacrament of healing. Classes are held on the Sundays in November, preparing the children for their first reception of the Sacrament at the Community Penance and Reconciliation Service in Advent. TIME COMMITMENT: Three hours on the Sunday afternoons in November for preparation then assistance at the Advent Penance Service. Eucharist – Work with second graders to prepare them to receive the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Classes are held on the Sundays in January, preparing the children for their First Eucharist in the month of February. TIME COMMITMENT: Three hours on the Sunday afternoons in January for preparation and assisting with the Masses when children are receiving the Eucharist. Confirmation – Assist with the instruction and small group facilitation of fifteen-year-olds to prepare them for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Coordination of required paperwork and class assignments. TIME COMMITMENT: Instruction occurs over a eight-week period before the date the Bishop will come to celebrate the Sacrament. Marriage – Married couples work through the material for engaged couples helping them develop “tools” married life and a lasting relationship. TIME COMMITMENT: Varies with the couple, expectation would be to spend about two-hours on each of ten modules.
To volunteer for sacramental preparation email us at