Fort Worth, Texas
They discuss what it is and how it can help grow your relationship with God.
Dcn. Kevin talks to Study leaders Paul Bernardy and Julianne Roessler about the upcoming Parish wide study, The Bible Timeline from Ascension Press. To register for this study, click here.
Gabriel Castillo from Houston was our guest for the Theology Night discussing the prayer of the Virgin Mary, the Rosary.
Learn how many of the Saints looked to the Virgin Mary for inspiration and guidance.
Several things to bring to your attention are covered in this session!
More liturgical ministers needed; Theology Nights and Catholic Schools Week.
Fr. Jim talks about our new Source & Summit Missals.
Dcn. Kevin talks about Veterans Day, more info on the Eucharistic Procession on November 21 and info on Advent
Fr. John and Dcn. Kevin discuss the purpose of and the reasons for the Sacrament of Healing and how it changed with Vatican II.
Dcn. Kevin interviews Mark Conlon and Stephen Taylor about this new program for Men in the Parish and School Community.
Dcn. Kevin interviews Sophia Rodriguez and Bobby Warner about 40 Days for Life Fort Worth and their new 40 Days 365 intiative.
Dcn. Kevin interviews our new part-time Youth Minister, Kaitlyn Kennedy.
Fr. Dan tells the story of his family's heirloom silver chalice. Its history, travels, and its new home.
Fr. Dan's Homily
Theology Nights
Not many people like chatting about their own death or even funeral planning. Fr. Jim and Dcn. Kevin visit about end-of-life issues and how we Catholics should prepare for our own funeral or how we are to prepare for the funeral of a loved one.
Fr. Dan and Dcn. Kevin discuss the Holy Father's recent document on the Latin Mass.
Fr. Jim and Dcn. Kevin answer questions from parishioners.
Fr. Jim and Dcn. Kevin answer questions from parishioners.
Fr. Dan answers some questions from parishioners.
Dcn. Kevin talks to Seminarian Joseph Hoffschwelle about his journey through discernment and seminary.
Dcn. Kevin talks about our Guardian Ministry. View the PowerPoint presentation we used at an introductory meeting here.
Fr. Jim talk with Campaign Co-Chairs Kevin Nicoletti and Anthony Wonderly about an update on the Second Spring Capital Campaign
Dcn. Kevin talks about the history of Eucharistic Processions and gives more details about the Eucharistic Procession thta will be occuring here at Saint Andrew on June 6 after the 12:30 Mass.
Dcn. Kevin and Fr. Jim discuss questions pertaining to the afterlife and the basis of Catholic beliefs on the afterlife.
Fr. Jim introducing and interviewing the new School Principal, Laura Behee
Fr. Dan, Fr. John, and Dcn. Kevin answer questions on a wide range of topics from parishioners.
Dcn. Kevin Bagley interviews Ken Becan, a long-time parishioner of Saint Andrew. This is the first in what we hope is a recurring series of interviews with parishioners about books that have inspired, offered a new outlook, or changed their lives.
Fr. John Shanahan, T.O.R. and Sabrina Moore, President of the Saint Andrew Conference of the St. Vincent DePaul Society.
Fr. Jim Gigliotti, T.O.R. and Fr. Dan Pattee, T.O.R. discuss the short film
The Veil Removed by Spirit Juice Studios of Chicago. They made a short film to demonstrate the reality and power of what happens in each Mass through modern storytelling, high-quality production and a faithful representation of the beauty of the Eucharist.